Firework Safety

Halloween is a great time of year. Fancy dress, off school and fireworks! But before your family celebrates, make sure everyone knows about fireworks safety.
If not handled properly, fireworks can cause burn and eye injuries in kids and adults. The best way to protect your family is not to use any fireworks at home — period. Attend public fireworks displays, and leave the lighting to the professionals.If a child is injured by fireworks, immediately go to a doctor or hospital. If an eye injury occurs, don't allow your child to touch or rub it, as this may cause even more damage. Also, don't flush the eye out with water or attempt to put any ointment on it. Call your doctor immediately.
Fireworks are meant to be enjoyed, but you'll enjoy them much more knowing your family is safe.
Woodlawn Primary School, 2 Woodburn Ave, Carrickfergus Co Antrim BT38 8EZ Phone: 028 9335 1923