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Woodlawn Primary School, Carrickfergus

BEE Project - Gardening

24th Nov 2017

Woodlawn Primary School are pleased to announce a year long project partnership with the BEE Project. The Building Employability through Education project is a great way for families who are part of the Woodlawn community tree to gain new skills and opportunities that they can then use to benefit themselves, their families or the school.

This term parents who have signed up have chosen to work on a gardening course. Run by Keith our parents and friends are learning to build resources that can be used in our Woodlawn Wildlife Garden. This is a huge opportunity to make resources for our children to grow plants, herbs and potatoes as well as learn how to tend and care for vegetables, flowers and much more.

We would be completely lost without the support of our fantastic mums and friends who have given of their time to join the programme, gain new skills and create from scratch some fantastic resources for us to use in many years to come. 

Registration of interest for future programmes can be done by contacting the school office or the BEE project directly on 028 95 213215.

This programme is incredibly worthwhile and not only benefits Woodlawn PS but also helps to give our parents new skills and opportunities they might like to use in the future in other ways. Why not sign up today for a future course? We are always open to ideas for courses and are keen to check feasibility with the project organisers.